
Strength equals Confidence.

Strong Core. Strong Body. Strong Mind.


Pilates was designed for strength: increasing, regaining, and maintaining it.  Whether you’re an athlete, an artist, or a fitness enthusiast, we’ve got you covered! When your core is strong, your limbs can move freely.  Pilates provides a solid base for any active person; it is also a complete and enjoyable activity unto itself!

Pilates is considered to be a form of eccentric exercise where a muscle is strengthened in an elongated position.  This results in a leaner looking muscle. 

Pilates also includes a variety of isometric elements. What’s isometric?! Think of pushing your hands against a wall…there’s work involved yet the muscle length doesn’t change.  It will make you strong from the inside out!

When you feel strong, you feel confident.


Pilates with Samantha is wonderful. I have now been working with her for a year and a half, I feel more grounded, stronger and weigh 13 pounds less than when I began this practice. More importantly I can feel a certain kind of “air” and “looseness” in my joints. The clarity of Sam’s explanation of the work, her warmth, kindness and consideration, make attending the workshops a pleasure. I highly recommend this work led by this inspirational Pilates Shaman!

Matt Zimbel, Writer/Producer/Musician